Watch Andy Matuschak write notes - Knowledge management - Obsidian Forum
This really demonstrates writing as thinking. Andy really wrestles with ideas as he is taking notes. This illustrates well the idea of not just capturing other people’s ideas, but note-taking to generate new ideas. He talks a lot about making claims in his notes, not just capturing others’ ideas.
to around 20:00 (2020-12-05 Sat 18:52)
journal - coinage - literature
word coinage - 造語、新しい言葉を考案すること
to around 31:00 (2020-12-06 Sun 02:50)
ApjとJSBはAnn Pendleton-Jullian & John Seely Brownのことらしい
Ann Pendleton‐Jullian is an architect, writer, and educator of international standing whose work explores the interchange between architecture, landscape, culture, science, and technology within complex contexts.
John Seely Brown (JSB) was the Chief Scientist of Xerox Corporation until April 2002 as well as the director of the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) until June 2000.
to around 40:00 (2020-12-07 Mon 11:41)
to around 54:00 (2020-12-08 Tue 20:26)
x1.25 / x1.5でも見てみたけど、喋り始めたときに戻すのが面倒なのと、アンディのペースをだらだら見るのもおもしろいので、x1.0に戻した
to around 1:10:00 (2020-12-22 Tue 20:29)
to around 1:25:00 (2020-12-24 Thu 19:30)